Coachella 2018 will stream exclusively on YouTube

Those who won’t be present at Coachella‘s 2018 edition can still luxuriate in the sun soaked vibes of the Golden State through their computer screens thanks to YouTube. The video streaming platform will exclusively broadcast the festival for the eighth year in a row, bringing performances from an array of artists, including Beyonce, The Weekend, Post Malone, and ODESZA to viewers around the world.

Presented by T-Mobile in the U.S., Optus in Australia, and Garnier in Canada, the live stream will offer four different live stream feed choices, allowing those who tune in to exercise the element of choice in terms of who they see. Viewers will additionally have the ability to create personalized viewing schedules based on their own musical preferences. The live stream will automatically adjust its feed to stream the performances pre-selected by the user.

Google Home owners will be able to interact with the festival in an unprecedented manner, simply by saying “Hey Google, talk to Coachella.” Once verbalized, the command will prompt the device to source information on the festival, including set times and travel information. Google Home’s partnership with Coachella will also make live interviews available to those at home who voice the request.

The live stream will be limited to the first weekend of Coachella, slated for April 13–15. Those interested in catching their favorites need only to follow Coachella’s YouTube channel for live stream set time updates.

H/T: Billboard


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