Frank Ocean giving away merch to voters

Frank Ocean giving away merch to votersFrank

Frank Ocean giving away merch to votersFrank Ocean VotingFrank Ocean has announced pop-up shops in select cities that will give away free merchandise to individuals who arrive with proof that they voted on November 6.

A flyer posted to his Tumblr account states, “BRING PROOF (A BALLOT STUB) THAT YOU VOTED TO ANY OF THE LOCATIONS BELOW AND GET SOME FREE MERCH. BECAUSE GOD BLESS AMERICA.” The locations of the pop-ups are Miami, Dallas, Atlanta, and Houston. The cities are settled in swing states and the results could have historical outcomes. Stacey Abrams in Georgia would be America’s’s first female black governor. In Texas, Beto O’Rourke would be the first Democratic senator in Texas in more than two decades. Andrew Gillum would become Florida’s first black governor. The artist’s flyer also brings awareness to the “42 percent” — the percentage of Americans that don’t vote — otherwise known as America’s biggest political party.

On Twitter, Frank Ocean advised, “Make sure you double check your state laws regarding use of electronics at the polls before taking a photo. In some states it is illegal to do so.”

Though the divine right to vote in this democracy holds far more weight and value than any kind of merch, there’s no doubt that Frank Ocean’s encouragements and incentives are well-intentioned and extremely cool. As Frank Ocean says on the top of the flyer in seven languages to everyone who can, “VOTE.”


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