Kid Cudi teases mysterious AsteriskCollective

Kid Cudi teases mysterious AsteriskCollectiveKid Cudi Credit Steve C. Mitchell AP

Kid Cudi posted a 32-second clip on Twitter Monday, December 3 with the hashtag “AsteriskCollective” and the written message of “Change is coming” and “Volume On.” The video showed a symbol: a red stripe crossing over green and a green stripe crossing over blue. In the video, the symbol occasionally rotates and never stills. Audio waves at the base of the video raise with Cudi’s voice and convey the mission statement of the Asterisk Collective.

“This is not the world we want. We’re rewriting the script because these rules don’t apply. We’ll be showing up with real people, in real places, in real ways,” Cudi said. “To inspire positive change. Bravery, courage, and action, uniting to showcase the power of creativity. Let’s create a better future together. We are the exception to the rule. We are the Asterisk Collective.”

While the message leaves many hands raised and heads tilted, the message has unequivocally been sent out. Even with limited information, the dissatisfied have been ready to tie up their laces and step forward. Knowing Cudi, the Asterisk Collective could even be an organized group; brave, artistic, eclectic, with a core of creativity, that is generated by an unflinching idealistic vision.

Cudi’s effect on the emotional mindset of his fans runs deep. His sound and his message have reached the depths of some of the most lost and raised them up — even brought them higher than ever. The sheer idea of an artistic movement or social collective charged by Cudi for the unaccounted evokes a pure and deep feeling of hope.

Photo credit: Steve C. Mitchell/AP


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