Mysterious Rezz-approved artist Deathpact drops new single, launches eerie campaign

Mysterious Rezz-approved artist Deathpact drops new single, launches eerie campaignDeathpact

While the idea of a masked or anonymous producer is not anything new in the world of electronic music, few put as much work into hiding their identity and creating a buzz than the mysterious new artist, Deathpact. Not much is known about the producer, but they have officially let their first single, titled “Danger,” loose as of July 20.

“Danger” is an excitingly dark house tune that would fit right in with Malaa‘s catalog — but the real buzz comes from Deathpact’s seriously creepy website. Upon entering the site, nothing suspicious catches the eye, aside from the fact that it’s just an empty website. However, after some clicking around, a modulated voice begins to list off numbers – the phone number 917-283-2750. More investigation lead DA down a rabbit hole of creepy voicemails and a chain of indecipherable text messages, which took us to a command prompt screen that proved too difficult to crack.

Mysterious Rezz-approved artist Deathpact drops new single, launches eerie campaignScreenshot 20180724 121737 Messages E1532449794702Mysterious Rezz-approved artist Deathpact drops new single, launches eerie campaignScreenshot 20180724 121745 Messages E1532449868824Mysterious Rezz-approved artist Deathpact drops new single, launches eerie campaignScreenshot 20180724 122057 Chrome E1532450180324

The most insightful information we found was hidden in the lining of the original website. After exploring the site a bit, we found a list of Twitter usernames, all who seem to be big fans of Rezz, and all who have been tweeting the key emoji back and forth with the Deathpact account.

Mysterious Rezz-approved artist Deathpact drops new single, launches eerie campaignScreen Shot 2018 07 24 At 10.54.25 AM E1532449707862

After looking into the Rezz connection, we discovered that Deathpact is featured on “Life and Death,” a track from her upcoming album. Rezz has played the track out at a few festivals recently, and it is getting great response.


While all of this investigating eventually lead to a dead end, there is no doubt something invigorating is going on behind the scenes. Keep an eye out for more Deathpact news in the near future, because the story can only get better from here.


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