BLOND​:​ISH revives Foreigner’s ‘I Wanna Know What Love Is’ in smooth rework

BLOND​:​ISH revives Foreigner’s ‘I Wanna Know What Love Is’ in smooth reworkBlondish E1566246924979

Foreigner‘s iconic “I Wanna Know What Love Is” debuted in late 1984, but the notable tune still resonates with fans of all musical persuasions decades later. BLOND:ISH in particular proved that true when she dropped her “sunrise jungle rework” of the song at Robot Heart last year, resulting in thousands of fans clamoring for its release.

Her rework features a smooth-gliding beat to back the vocals of Foreigner’s Mick Jones and the accompanying choir. With the incorporation of birds chirping to signal the arrival of sunrise, her interpretation of the recognizable song is one sure to be cherished by fans.

“This is a story about a little blonde girl’s journey about her love for going to a festival in the desert and playing sunrise sets,” BLOND:ISH says of song in a press release. “This little girl discovered meditation along her journey and loved to be in the present moment because that’s where she learned true happiness is. So she wanted to make a special edit to inspire happiness and positivity in people while they are dancing the sunrise away deep in the desert, truly being in the present moment. That moment is absolutely everything, there’s nothing like it.”


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