EDM Is A Feeling, And There’s Nothing Quite Like It

EDM gives you telepathy. Sharing equal love for a song or artist with another soul allows you a valuable form of communication that cannot be obtained by anything other than the music. When the song you two have been waiting for is played by the DJ, no words between you are required. Just a simple glance & smile as you’re both launched into an abyss of euphoria that will carry you through the next few stages of your life until the next song takes hold of you & you experience it live. This motivation to live is priceless, and can only be lapped up at the electronic watering hole, a place we all come back to to quench our unending thirst.

If I could bottle up this feeling, I would give a sip to everyone I love so that they could understand. A stigma has creeped its way into our environment & has settled over us like a dense cloud. But we know that if only the outsiders had a taste, if only they closed their eyes, tilted their heads back & allowed the masterpiece to overtake them, that they would understand. Until then, they dehydrate in the desert of life, unable to make the connection, unable to reach the watering hole, settling for mirages in the distance.

Listen to your loved ones when they tell you their favorite songs & artists. Stand tall in front of that stage, with or without them near you. When their song comes on, I ask you to let go of your own mind, and adopt theirs. I ask you to just “be”, be your loved one in that moment & listen to the song through their ears, embodying their joy. Soak it in & start radiating love & appreciation for that person, their love for the music, & the music itself. It’s even better when that person is right next to you listening too, as the telepathic connection is complete in that moment, and nothing else requires your attention.

“I love you” is overused and outdated. Send your friend, lover, sister or brother a song. Allow that melody to enter their ears with the knowledge that you provided it, forming an alliance that reaches its final form when you’re both in front of the stage & that song comes on. When your entire body loses itself & surrenders. Together. If somebody sends you a song, take it seriously. This means that when they listened to the beat, your soul entered their thoughts, and the act of sharing this song with you is the greatest forms of flattery. They want you to be well. They want you to live to see another day.


Featured photo by: Jonas Hojgaar

The post EDM Is A Feeling, And There’s Nothing Quite Like It appeared first on EDM Maniac.

Source: edmmaniac.com

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