Good Morning Mix: Major Lazer make Brazil-centric Carnaval mix

Good Morning Mix: Major Lazer make Brazil-centric Carnaval mixMajor Lazer Carnaval Mi

Carnaval has just begun in Brazil, and to honor the cheerful chaos that ensues, Major Lazer has put together a brand new mix. The tracklist reveals something particularly special: most of its tracks happen to be by local artists from the area. Diplo and his colleague’s continual willingness to showcase underrated talent from outside the states is commendable.

Clocking in at just over an hour, the music selection is diverse and high-charged. Some bachata-inspired beats even make their way into the fold via MC Davi’s “O Verão Esta Chegando.” Bass runs abound, with wild trap drops and rhythmic heaters stimulating the senses. Major Lazer make it easy for listeners to place themselves mentally amid the madness that takes over the country during this time of year.



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