GRiZ and Matisyahu release video for the protest song Americans need

GRiZ and Matisyahu release video for the protest song Americans need201902 Griznewday 1218 1

GRiZ and Matisyahu’s much-anticipated single off GRiZ’s upcoming album Ride Waves, “A New Day,” has been picking up traction since it’s release on Feb 22. With the release of its visual counterpart, the collaboration arguably embodies something that dance music has not succeeded in capturing—a call to action.

Some of the most influential and timeless songs have been protest songs; Woody Guthry’s storytelling and influence led to Bob Dylan giving the 60’s “The Times They Are A-Changin’,” injustice in the inner city in the 1980’s lead to NWA’s “Fuck Tha Police,” the misguided wars in the middle east led to Bruce Springsteen’s “Bring ‘Em Home,” more recently Jay Z captured an entire era of race relations and oppression with “The Story of OJ.” These songs tackled issues. They brought them to the forefront of daily lives and made people ask the questions they were averse to even thinking about. They are prime examples of the impact music can have on the world.

GRiZ and Matisyahu wrote “A New Day” just days after the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. Their collaboration utilized GRiZ’s ability to capture attention and promote positivity through an anthem. Matisyahu’s voice over the garden of sound GRiZ so delicately curated surpasses—even levels—predespositions on the issue, reopening the ears and eyes of a sleeping giant.

The music video for “A New Day” raises the curtain for the track shedding light on one of the most challenging issues today, the gun violence crisis. The images reinvigorate an issue people have become almost numb to. “A New Day” follows real people who have been personally affected in different ways due to gun violence. These individuals are all American and have all suffered greatly. Another thing they share in common is their strength. In each of their eyes is a spark of resilience, a spark that could start a much-needed fire. They show viewers, not just the pain of the individual, but the unifying strength to stand up to make the change that is lives in every American.

“Collaborating with real people was such a humbling experience as each of the individuals we worked with all endured unspeakable hardships yet remained resilient, positive and beyond generous in helping us to complete this project,” said Director Robert Nyerges, “We hope that this film will be one small step forward on the path to progressive change.”

The impactful shots of protests on Washington, vigils from Vegas, statistics on suicide, and the expressions of insurmountable pain from actual people who experienced firsthand leave no doubt that this crisis is real and action needs to be taken by every American, now.

The flag needn’t be at half mast this often.

Visit and add your voice to the millions urging senators to support S.42, legislation needed to expand background checks on gun sales and save lives.




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