Armada Music Show Their Take on Christmas Music with Fi….

Picture this. You’re sitting there alongside a select number of family and friends, happily chatting away as you enjoy a smorgasbord of delicious food during one of the most magical evenings of the year. The only problem? You can’t stand those Christmas classics that have been stuck on repeat for weeks on end. The solution? The first-ever edition of the ‘Armada Christmas Dinner Mix’.

Best enjoyed at a dinner table with a bit of snow outside and your loved ones around, the ‘Armada Christmas Dinner Mix’ is designed to add to the bliss of your favorite holiday. A continuous mix of twenty-six records that includes authentic Christmas Mixes from tracks such as Clément Leroux’s ‘U Got My Heart’, Dennis Kruissen’s ‘Falling In Love’ and Teddy Beats’ ‘Hold Me’ as well as other perfectly suited dance music songs, this handpicked selection will be the soundtrack to a Christmas evening so wonderful you’ll never forget it.


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