Burning Man reveals full temple design in new video

Burning Man reveals full temple design in new video2020 01 05 Temple Perspective Final

Burning Man will continue their yearly tradition this August in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert with a flurry of art installations and music. From their massive heat reflective NASA space blanket in 2018 to their 100-foot-tall disco ball, Burning Man has emerged as a pop-up art installation epicenter where travelers come from far and wide to showcase their own art while taking in what the festival curators have planned. Every year, Burning Man sifts through hundreds off design submissions for their esteemed temple, and this year’s prized honor went to Colorado-based architect Renzo Verbeck and artist Sylvia Adrienne Lisse.

The structure is called “Empyrean,” an eight-pointed centerpiece for the annual gathering which will be burned on the final day, along with the “man.” “Empyrean” refers the birthplace of fire in the heavenly realm. In the middle of the temple lays the artificial “Empyrean Flame” that can be seen from all cardinal directions of the desert.


Source: dancingastronaut.com

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