City of Miami officials raise coronavirus concerns, suggest Ultra Music Festival postponement

City of Miami officials raise coronavirus concerns, suggest Ultra Music Festival postponementUltra Miami

Ultra‘s highly anticipated Bayfront Park homecoming couldn’t go off without a hitch—the festival’s relationship with the city of Miami is far too rocky for that. Though, tumultuous history aside, the reason city officials called for Ultra to postpone the festival on Wednesday, March 4, just one day before onsite setup is set to begin, is due to concerns of coronavirus transmission as large crowds of international attendees begin to descend upon South Beach for Miami Music Week festivities.

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and Commissioner Joe Carollo, chairman of the agency that manages Bayfront Park, have called for Ultra’s cancellation. According to The Miami Herald, Suarez told reporters that if Ultra did not agree to postponing the event, the city has the authority to cancel the event under the two parties’ newly inked agreement to allow Ultra’s return to Bayfront. However, Suerez did tell The Herald, “There is a resolution, but there are some loose ends to tie up.” While Ultra organizers have yet to offer an official comment, it is expected that the festival will be releasing updated security measures for the March 20 – 22 event. As of now, a cancellation or postponement in Miami seems unlikely, though, hot off the heels of Ultra’s Abu Dhabi cancellation, growing concerns over the flagship Miami event are not unfounded.

H/T: The Miami Herald

Featured image: Rukes


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