Uone & Western Face Desert Dwellers For The “….

For lone rangers like Beat & Path label boss Uone and the bounty hunter called Western, the answer is clear: staying on the cosmic trail is the way of the cowboy. For the last 12 months these neon outlaws tamed an iron asteroid, mining deep for the elements that form their debut LP, The Long Wranglers. While there are still a couple weeks left until the full project is unveiled, listeners can get a deeper glimpse into what to expect with “Last Showdown.”

“Last Showdown” is a disco and house lover’s dream come true. The two-track EP is an elevating experience, complete with an original mix from Uone and Western and a remix from fellow psychonauts, Desert Dwellers. The Desert Dwellers is wanted by every border patrol from Melbourne to Mars. Their brand of anti-gravity melodies, confidant guitars and rattlesnake shakers are worth a lot on the black market. But the rumours are true, and this is beyond mere alien oil. It contains a healing potential which is very real. Be careful: this deeply illegal remix will feature on every Most Wanted list across the seven quadrants.

Source: edmjoy.com

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