Big Gigantic rework Petit Biscuit’s ‘Parachute’

Big Gigantic rework Petit Biscuit’s ‘Parachute’Big Gigantic Bokeh Media KC 2018

Electro-funk duo Big Gigantic have remixed Petit Biscuit‘s hit track “Parachute”—the titular track from from Biscuit’s 2020 LP. Enlisting the pair as well as Jai Wolf for a “Drivin Through the Night” recreation, the French beatmaker has been inviting different perspectives to take on his breakout project.

With Biscuit’s original persuasion including a slower and more sultry intonation, the track brings forth an elaborate soundscape with a trap-leaning bass expression. Modifying the track with a rhythmic groove, Big Gigantic waste no time enlivening “Parachute” with their own stylistic additions. Calling forth an escapade of sparkling synths and the uproarious saxophone styling of the duo’s Dominic Lalli, the tune sees an invigoration that only Big G can bring to the table. This new rendition conquers the utility of a remix, breathing new life into a track and re-imagining a new take on the track, that keeps the foundation Petit Biscuit so thoughtfully carved out largely intact.

Stream Big Gigantic’s “Parachute” remix below.

Featured image: Bokeh Media

The post Big Gigantic rework Petit Biscuit’s ‘Parachute’ appeared first on Dancing Astronaut.


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