David Guetta’s Next ‘United At Home’ Event Set For Dubai

David Guetta has disclosed the location of his next upcoming ‘United At Home‘ stream, and it will take place in Dubai. David Guetta started the installment of the ‘United At Home’ live-streams so that live performances can be viewed and appreciated by people at home while raising money for charity at the same time.

So far, Guetta has performed in some of the most prominent cities around the world including the Rockefeller Center in New York City, Miami, and the Louvre’s Glass Pyramid in Paris and now Dubai. In total, Guetta’s performances have raised over $500,000 for charity and that number will only increase with his latest live-stream announcement.

It will be exciting to see where Guetta decides to perform next, and how much more money he will raise for charity.

Feature Photo – Insomniac 

The post David Guetta’s Next ‘United At Home’ Event Set For Dubai appeared first on EDM Maniac.

Source: edmmaniac.com

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