EMBRZ turns ‘Moments’ wheels forward on This Never Happened with sublime Lizzy Land pairing, ‘Where You Are’

EMBRZ turns ‘Moments’ wheels forward on This Never Happened with sublime Lizzy Land pairing, ‘Where You Are’Screen Shot 2021 07 21 At 11.10.36 PM

In October of 2020, EMBRZ shared a few touching words of appreciation for This Never Happened and Lane 8 granting him the opportunity to appear for the first time on a label he’s held in high regard. Wind the clock to the following summer—with a sophomore label EP mixed in between—and one of the Dublin’s finest is now conditioned to permanently etch himself into the label’s decorated history with the revelation of his experientially focused freshman album Moments, due September 3.

Paired with EMBRZ’s announcement of Moments comes its first of 11 contributions, “Where You Are,” which most may recall as a solicited ID from the label helmer’s “Summer 2021 Mixtape.” Opening the door on EMBRZ’s vision to gather an exhaustive body of work built on distinctive creative moments throughout the past year, the first look into Moments brings along Lizzy Land, whom EMBRZ had initially come in touch with a few years back and continued to stay in close contact with. “Where You Are” was cultivated in complete isolation as COVID-19 ravaged through everyday life in Ireland, and EMBRZ was overtly triumphant in translating that intangible feeling into an alloy of his sublime melodic house and Land’s guiding hand of solacing vocals.

Featured image: Hazel Coonagh

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Source: dancingastronaut.com

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